
Weng Siyang is a PhD candidate student of East China Normal University (ECNU). He received a BS degree in Data Science and Engineering from ECNU in 2022. His current research interests include transaction processing, data management and database testing.


  1. Li, Keqiang, Siyang Weng, Lyu Ni, Chengcheng Yang, Rong Zhang, Xuan Zhou, and Aoying Zhou. (2024). DBStorm: Generating Various Effective Workloads for Testing Isolation Levels. In Proceedings of the ACM International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA ‘24).
  2. Weng Siyang, Yu Rong, Wang Qingshuai, Hu Zirui, Ni Lyu, Zhang Rong, Zhou Xuan, Zhou Aoying, Xu Quanqing, Yang Chuanhui, Liu Wei, Yang Panfei. The Benchmarking Ability of HTAP Benchmarks. Journal of Software , 2024.
  3. Weng Siyang, Wang QingShuai, Qu Luyi, Zhang Rong, Cai Peng, Qian Weining, Zhou Aoying. Lauca: A Workload Duplicator for Benchmarking Transactional Database Performance. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 36(7): 3180-3194 (2024).
  4. Liu Peiyuan, Weng Siyang, Li Keqiang, Ni Lyu, Yang Chengcheng, Zhang Rong, Qian Weining and Qiao Dian. Leopard: A General Test Suite for Isolation Level Verification. In CIDR 2024.
  5. Keqiang Li, Siyang Weng, Peiyuan Liu, Lyu Ni, Chengcheng Yang, Rong Zhang, Xuan Zhou, Jianghang Lou, Gui Huang, Weining Qian and Aoying Zhou. Leopard: A Black-Box Approach for Efficiently Verifying Various Isolation Levels. In ICDE 2023 : 722-735 .
  6. Hu ZiRui, Weng SiYang, Wang QingShuai, Yu Rong, Xu JingKai, Zhang Rong, Zhou Xuan. Data Sharing Model and Optimization Strategies in HTAP Database Systems. Journal of Software ,2024,35(06):2951-2973.


  1. 2024.05 Outstanding Doctoral Student Academic Innovation Ability Enhancement Program.
  2. 2023.12 TOP 100 Benchmarks & Evaluation Achievement Award, International Open Benchmark Council
  3. 2023.11 Second Price, OpenAtom Open Source Competition
  4. 2022.07 First Prize Excellent Student & Active Participation Award, VLDB Summer School
  5. 2022.06 Outstanding Graduate of Shanghai
  6. 2022.05 Silver Medal, OceanBase Database Competition
  7. 2021.04 Meritorious Winner, Mathematical Contest In Modeling
  8. 2020.12 First Price, Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling,Shanghai Region
  9. 2020.11 Second Price, Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling,National
  10. 2020.04 Successful Participant, Mathematical Contest In Modeling
  11. 2019.11 Honorable Mention, The 44th ICPC Asia Regional Contest,Shanghai Site
  12. 2019.10 Honorable Mention, The 44th ICPC Asia Regional Contest,Nanjing Site


  • Teaching Assistant of Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing, ECNU, 2023 Spring